Money Shot: Selected Sinners MC Romance Read online

Page 8

  “Something I can help you with, Brother?” Vince asked the man.

  “Just looking,” the man said cheerily as he repositioned himself to see over Vince’s shoulder. He stood a mere twelve inches from Vince.

  “Why don’t you give my girl and me some space for a minute,” Vince said calmly as he took a step toward the menu.

  My girl?

  “Ain’t got to be a dick about it,” the man responded under his breath.

  Oh shit.

  Vince turned around completely, and swept me to his side with his hand as he did so. I watched as he spread his feet shoulder width apart and raised his right hand to half way between his waist and his chest. The dip-shit staring in our direction didn’t seem to notice, but it was apparent Vince was preparing to stomp this guy’s ass.

  “Now the last thing I want to do is drag you out in the parking lot and kick the living shit out of you for being disrespectful. If I was alone, I can give you my solemn word you and I wouldn’t be talking right now, I’d just be beating your ass. So, I’m going to need you to apologize to my girl for being a rude prick and breathing on her shoulder, and I’ll let the dick comment slide,” Vince said.

  Vince’s right hand quivered as he tightened his jaw and prepared for what was going to be his next move. As I stood and waited for the guy to either tell him to fuck off or apologize, I wished I was a guy and could tell people off from time to time, because sometimes they sure as fuck needed it.

  The man stared down at his feet for a moment, glanced toward me, and cleared his throat. “I’m sorry for crowding you.”

  I smiled and nodded my head. “Apology accepted.”

  Vince lowered his hand, turned toward the menu, and inhaled a short breath.

  “I’m having the calzone,” he said calmly.

  “Yum,” I said as I turned toward the register.

  As we placed our order Vince pulled out his wallet and thumbed through the money inside.

  “Twenty-two forty,” the man said after ringing up the total.

  “Here’s fifty,” Vince said as she handed the man a fifty dollar bill. “That’ll cover whatever the guy behind me is getting.”

  “Him?” the cashier asked as he tilted his head toward the guy who was still studying the menu.

  “You got it,” Vince said with a nod.

  “And the change?” the cashier asked.

  “Keep it,” Vince said with a nod as he reached for his glass of tea.

  As I reached for my tea, I turned toward Vince and grinned slightly. He was looking away and he didn’t notice my admiring stare, but I didn’t do it for that reason. He was different than any other man I had ever met, and I liked it.

  I liked it a lot.

  I dreaded the day he found a woman who actually interested him. The thought of ever losing him, especially to another woman, scared me to death. In his presence, nothing else mattered. There was no real concern with time, where we were, or what we were doing. I was as satisfied as I had ever been, and I wanted nothing else but for our time together to stand still. It never did, and always eventually ended, but one thing I could always count on was that he would return the next Sunday for lunch, to sit, talk, and enjoy time with me.

  And for that, I respected him.

  But, because of who he was and what he stood for, I was slowly falling in love with him.

  “So, they bring it to us?” he asked as he sat down.

  I shrugged my shoulders as I removed my coat. “I guess?”

  “Tea’s good,” he said as he raised his glass.

  I took a drink of the tea and nodded my head. It had a slight hint of peach, but it wasn’t overbearing. “That is good.”

  “So, what happened since we last met?” I asked.

  “Other than my watch crapping out?” he asked.

  I shrugged my shoulders and grinned. “I dunno, anything. I just like hearing about what you’ve done. I mean, the stuff you can tell me.”

  “Well, we went on the toy run, donated a bunch of toys. All of us rode except Tater, and he drove a truck full of shit. Fucking Axton went insane this year buying and trading for toys. Crazy fucker traded a shipment of guns for toys last July, and kept ‘em in the shop for the last six months waiting for this deal to happen. He loves Christmas about as much as I do,” he said.

  “Best holiday of the year,” I said. “Saddest, but the best.”

  “What’s sad about Christmas?” he asked.

  “My dad’s gone. He isn’t here to keep me company. It’s not really fun unless you can share it with someone,” I said. “But I still like it.”

  “And you said your mother’s gone too, right?” he asked.

  I nodded my head as I reached for my tea. My mother had a condition called placenta previa when she was pregnant. The placenta was positioned in such a manner that it covered the opening in her cervix making giving birth an impossible task without serious complications.

  The main problem was that my father couldn’t afford insurance at the time, and they were initially going to have me at home, naturally. When she went into labor, her placenta ruptured, and by the time the ambulance got there, she was barely alive. The paramedics did an emergency cesarean section, and delivered me alive, but my mother hemorrhaged, dying immediately after my birth.

  My father raised me, alone. He never got married, nor did he so much as ever have another woman in the house.

  I always admired him for his devotion to my mother, and I spent a lifetime wishing other men were more like him.

  As I stared blankly at Vince, I realized he was like my father. Probably more than I cared to admit. I smiled again, wondering how much of the similarities I had noticed, and how many I didn’t bother to notice, but let influence my feelings for him.

  I shifted my eyes to my glass of tea and stared. “She died when I was little.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said as he reached for my hand.

  He hadn’t done anything like that before, and I found it comforting and odd at the same time. As much as I wanted to perceive it as a comforting gesture of sympathy, my mind saw it otherwise.

  For a fleeting moment, at least in my mind, Vince was attracted to me in a sexual manner.

  “Listen,” he said as he tapped his fingers against my palm.

  I glanced up and forced a smile. “Yeah.”

  “I uhhm. I picked this place for a reason,” he said.

  “Oh yeah?” I asked. “Why’s that?”

  He pulled off his stocking cap and tossed it in the empty chair. After making a half-assed attempt to straighten his hair and a few strokes of his hand along his beard, he inhaled a short breath and shifted his eyes upward. After what seemed like an eternal pause, he exhaled and locked his eyes on mine.

  “Well, I have a question,” he said.

  “Okay, let’s hear it,” I said cheerily.

  “I uhhm. I was wondering if maybe you’d want to…like trying…you know. Adding…fuck. I don’t know how to say it,” he said as he shook his head.

  He released my hand and cleared his throat.

  “Sienna, do you want to try and be together? You know, try and see if we can be…like be a couple?” he asked.

  Oh dear fucking God, thank you. I swear to fucking God almighty, I will not fuck this deal up, I fucking swear, I won’t. Holy fucking fuck do I ever? Thank you, Lord.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “You sure?” he asked as he reached for my hand.

  My eyes began to feel swollen and my throat got tight. I knew enough to know not to speak. I bit into my bottom lip and nodded my head.

  He stood from his seat and lifted my hand as he did so. On some pretty shaky legs I followed his lead and stood up.

  Everything following that moment seemed to happen in slow motion. He leaned over the table and lifted my chin ever so slightly with his free hand. As I felt his fingers touch my face, my entire body began to tingle. With his hand now lightly gripping my jaw, I opened my mouth slightly in hope of what
was to come. While he maintained eye contact with me, he continued to lean forward until our lips met.

  The moment I had been waiting for finally arrived. My prayers had been answered. I closed my eyes…

  And he kissed me.

  It wasn’t a sloppy kiss, nor was it aggressive, but it was our first. It was the kind of kiss a girl spends a lifetime dreaming about. A kiss that causes your palms to sweat and makes your heart stop beating until a few seconds later when you feel it racing to catch up. It was the kiss that stops time, causing your entire body to tingle during the process; the kiss that sets the standard for every other kiss that might follow it.

  Yeah, it was that kiss.

  The money shot.

  It was November 9th.

  The happiest day of my life.


  November 9th, 2014

  On the ride to Sienna’s house, it dawned on me that her experience in reading romance, erotica, and BDSM books would more than likely cause her to have a broad range of sexual interests. Not knowing for certain what the night might bring, but fully realizing we were two adults, I suspected sex was on the forefront of her plans for the remaining portion of the afternoon.

  The garage door was going closed as I pulled into the driveway, and instead of parking on the street, I pulled up the drive and parked on the sidewalk leading to the front porch. The front door opened as I got off the bike, and she stood in the opening with her hair twisted into a bun and a smirk on her face.

  “Well, are you going to come in?” she asked.

  “Suppose so,” I said as I pulled the key from the ignition.

  It had been five months since we met, and although my former wife and I had sex on the first date, I was glad Sienna and I had been friends for as long as we had without introducing sex to the relationship. There was no doubt in my mind that we were compatible in many ways, and I believed sex would do nothing but bring us closer together.

  I stepped past her and into the living room. As I turned to face her, she gazed at me blankly, as if she was uncertain of what to do. Obviously waiting for me to make the first move, she stood in wait, looking far more innocent than I suspected she truly was. As she twisted her hips to the side, I reached for her neck and pulled her into me.

  The kiss that followed wasn’t as special as the one in the restaurant, and I suspected none would ever be, but it was apparently enough to lead her to believe I had opened the door, sexually speaking.

  She reached for my belt and fumbled with the buckle as we kissed. Quite sure she’d never get it unbuckled without my help, I reached down and pulled against the belt, freeing the leather strap from the buckle.

  Now grabbing for the button on my jeans with one hand and rubbing my back with the other, she kissed me as if she believed it would be our last. Within a few seconds my jeans were unbuttoned, and she quickly shoved her hand deep into my pants.

  As her hand wrapped around my swollen shaft, she pulled her mouth from mine, leaned away slightly, and widened her eyes.

  “Holy crap,” she said as she shifted her eyes toward her hand.

  After a few tugs, she freed my now completely rigid cock from its confinement. She began to stroke it slowly, leaned forward, and raised herself up on her tip-toes. Within a few seconds we were well into an extremely sensual kiss, and I slipped my hand along her back and gripped her ass tightly. As I kneaded her butt in my hand, she began to moan wildly.

  She pulled away, made eye contact, and exhaled a choppy breath. I either had my hands on very one wild woman, or she was clearly as sexually frustrated as I was. Slightly confused and a little uncertain on which it may be, I dismissed her elevated sexual tension to a long period of abstinence, which was something I could certainly relate to.

  As much as I wanted to perform for her, and as important as it was for me to satisfy her completely, I realized actually being with a woman, and especially Sienna, would be enough of a turn-on to cause me to reach climax pretty promptly.

  Still slowly stroking my cock as she gazed into my eyes, she lowered herself onto her knees. There was no way I would last for any length of time if she was going to suck me off, and realized I should object to her doing so, but for some reason the words never came.

  I eagerly watched her delicately wrap her lips around the swollen head of my dick. Fighting to pull my jeans further along my thighs as she moved her mouth up and down the shaft, she eventually became frustrated and pulled away. As she softly stroked my throbbing shaft in her delicate hand, she glanced upward and smiled.

  “We’re both adults, right?” she asked.

  I gazed beyond my twitching cock and fixed my eyes on her. “I suppose so.”

  Her mouth was formed into a full-on pout, as if she was truly in need of assistance. “Can you help a girl out? Like maybe take off your jeans and boots?”

  “Anything else?” I asked in a sarcastic tone as I pressed the sole of my right boot against the heel of my left one.

  She released my cock, stood, and promptly removed her shorts. Before I got my other boot off, she was standing in front of me completely naked. As my eyes met hers, her mouth curled into a smile.

  “Yeah, there’s one other thing,” she said as she turned and bent over the arm of the couch. “Make me scream your name.”

  Just remember, you asked for this…


  November 9th, 2014

  Reading a book on how to cook may assist with the preparation of dinner, and reading a book about landscape architecture might provide ideas on the development of a great looking flower garden, but no amount of MC Romance novels could have prepared me for being fucked by Vince.

  A book hadn’t been written yet to accurately describe how he was making me feel.

  “Who’s fuckin you?” he bellowed.

  “Vince!” I shouted as he shoved his cock into me once again.

  With each powerful stroke, I felt like I was being impaled. Not only was I well out of practice at having sex, but his dick was thick, long, and far beyond what I could describe as hard. As he held himself deep inside of me and ground his hips against my ass, his balls began to massage my clit.

  I’m never going to make it. The head of his dick feels like it’s pounding against the bottom of my heart. I’m going to die right here and collapse on the couch, death by a cock induced heart attack.

  “And whose big fat cock is in that sweet little pussy of yours?” he asked as the palm of his hand came down sharply against my ass.

  I gripped the cushion of the couch in my hand and squeezed it tightly as I opened my eyes and glanced over my shoulder.

  We had been fucking for longer than I cared to guess, and my legs were weak and felt like rubber. Much to my surprise, he hadn’t reached orgasm, and I wondered just how much longer he could make it.

  He widened his eyes and raised his hand. As it hovered above my ass, I grinned and waited. My tingling clit provided all of the mental support I needed to stay right where I was for as long as he would allow me to.

  “Whose?” he growled.

  I blinked my eyes and silently studied his muscular torso. He was covered in sweat and every muscle was tensed. I was truly in heaven, and Vince was my big dicked biker angel. After a few seconds of eye contact, his face washed with faux anger and his hand came down.


  I winced in pain as his hand slapped against my butt cheek. I truly loved being fucked doggie style, but not being able to watch him was sheer torture.

  “Say it!” he shouted.

  I turned, lowered my head into the edge of the couch and bit into the cushion.

  “Vince’s,” I said through my teeth.

  “God damned right it is,” he grunted as he began to fuck me again.

  The sound of our sweaty flesh colliding was music to my ears. Something I had yearned to hear for almost six months, and now was quite sure I would never be able to live without, it provided me a reminder of just who was in charge.

  And it
was time he took charge and ended this escapade before he killed me.

  “Fuck me, Vince!” I screamed into the fabric of the pillow.

  His pace increased, pounding his hips into my ass and slowly driving the couch an inch or two across the floor with each thrust of his hips. The smell of his sweat, cologne, and the sweet scent of sex filled my nostrils, bringing me closer to orgasm, and undoubtedly closer to collapsing.

  “Fuck me, Vince!” I shouted again, the sound muffled by the pillow my head was buried into.

  As he continued forcing himself deep into me, I felt a slight tug against my hair. As I wondered if he was going to actually pull it, he began to. My one true weakness, at least that I was aware of, was having my hair pulled. If a man knew how to do it, and do it right, it was about as pleasurable as anything…

  Oh dear God. Ding, Ding. Ding.

  It was immediately obvious Vince knew how to do it right.

  My back arched and my neck craned as he filled me with dick and continued to push the couch toward the wall.

  “No, fuck me!” I wailed.

  And that was all it took.

  He began to powerfuck me, pulling my hair the entire time he did so. After a few seconds, there was no sound, no smell, only the feeling of him inside of me and our two bodies becoming one mechanical sexual machine. After a few more seconds of him fucking me and forcing me and the couch across the floor in the process, I was about to come loose at the seams. As my entire body began to shake and my legs began to tremble, the couch hit the wall.

  And he continued.

  “My little pussy,” he grunted as he held himself deep inside of me.

  My clit began to tingle and my nipples ached as I reached a level of climax I never knew existed. At the same time I felt myself contract around his shaft, his cock began to swell. I arched my back, allowed a moan to scape my lungs, and almost immediately felt him explode inside of me. His groans of pleasure confirmed he felt the same way I did.

  The labored sound of his breathing continued for a moment as I attempted to collect my thoughts. Within a few seconds, his chest pressed against my back and he released my hair from his grasp.